“Marta Ray and the Undersea Kingdom” is a captivating debut novel perfect for young readers from sixth grade and up. This enchanting story delves into themes of fantasy, adventure, acceptance, and the boundless power of imagination. Set in a magical world filled with merfolk, undersea kingdoms, and mythical sea creatures, the narrative offers a rich tapestry of drama, intense character development, emotional struggles, and personal growth.
W.R. Smith’s distinctive voice, in both style and tone, echoes the brilliance of iconic bestselling authors like Michael Crichton. The emotional depth and engaging plotline are reminiscent of Jane Green’s “Second Chance,” making this book a compelling read for young and mature audiences alike.
—Authors A.I. Write Books Readers Love
The need for escape and magic has been real for me, and I enjoyed spending time with Marta and her young friends. While by no means devoid of conflict, her world is one that I felt inspired by and eager to return to again and again. The visual descriptions were vivid and enthralling and I marveled at the introductions of new characters (Slugtail was a particular favorite) as well as the myriad settings and locations.
—Former Executive Editor at Penguin Random House, K. Harpster